sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2013

Ke$ha compôs música sobre a sua vagina junto com a sua mãe

Ke$ha compôs música sobre a sua vagina junto com a sua mãe

Por Gibran Teske

A aniversariante de hoje a cantora Ke$ha disse à revista Q Magazine que a canção "Gold Trans Am" seria sobre o seu carro Trans Am dourado (que apareceu nos clipes da Tik Tok e Take It Off), mas na verdade ele fala sobre sua vagina. Aqui está a declaração dela

"It began as a song about my car, which is a gold Trans Am, and it works about 40 percent of the time I don't have another car because I love that one so much. But then like all great pop, it became a metaphor for something else - my p---y."

E ainda mandou um recado aos críticos dela:

"We write songs about boys and sex together. That may not be normal to the average psychiatrist out there but I think it's pretty cool... Don't analyse. That's the problem with so much culture out there. People are so trapped into trying to do the right thing. As long as you are not hurting anyone I think you should feel free to indulge your fantasies"

Aqui está a música

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